“• KNICKERBOCKER” на українській мові



In the very early 1980s, the bar was the rather unlikely official meeting place for the city's wannabe Blitz kids - the original New Romantics, in all their knickerbockered glory.

Pupils came to school in historic costume, including Eton collars for the boys and three-quarter length knickerbockers and pinafores for the girls.

Turton FC was founded in 1871 and in 1873 issued a book of rules showing that the Harrow form of football was played and that the club colours were blue knickerbockers , white stockings and white jerseys.

They were among the oldest of the Knickerbockers on this island.

He's gone all-out on his art-deco theming, and not a detail seems to have been missed, from the knickerbockered porters to the 1920s music to the characteristic typeface on the room-number plaques.