“LOBLOLLY” на українській мові



Jonathan Evans, who teaches biology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, says the industry needs to quit pushing the fantasy that replacing all these trees with loblolly is ‘reforestation.’

In loblolly pine , the leading timber species of North America, the physical and chemical properties of wood have been studied extensively in a single population of modest size.

Swamp bay, loblolly bay , and swamp dogwood are plentiful; the Virginia chain fern and the swamp fern are almost always present.

Dry woodland has a diversity of species but is dominated by loblolly pine , rock chestnut oak, and a shrubby layer of azaleas and New Jersey tea.

After lunch, we abandon our canoes and slog through knee-high water to Panther Mound, a raised piece of land, or hammock, thick with gumbo-limbo trees, loblollies , and strangler figs.