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The one they’d chosen to speak for them today knelt at her feet, a symbolic pretence of servitude though they all knew it didn’t work that way.
It had chosen its dying and chosen the place of it, the place where Diamond Eye had killed the Watcher, the earth-touched who had sent Tuuran to watch over the echo of the Black Moon.
‘The Arbiter has chosen you to be her companion, Chay-Liang.
The prophet has chosen you to be a vessel.
Ron had always chosen to sleep instead, curled around his pillow, but yearning angrily for Thump s chest, his wide grip, yearning even though it was all right there.
“I don’t—”“Do you know how the princes are chosen?
Looking around the clearing he’d chosen as his campsite, Rew felt a surge of uneasy confusion.
The bond Elain had chosen.
This was why Elain had chosen Feyre.
”Elain had chosen Feyre, chosen her perfect little world.
The fact that he had chosen to settle near it and looked down on it every single day as he went about his unusual routine told Sam that this man was living in the past as well.