“CENTRAL” на російській мові


інші переклади

central focal centric pivotal nodal midland
main major chief principal primary central
центральная телефонная станция
central telephone station exchange central



inner innermost middle mid downtown


telephone exchange exchange


There had been an increase in the number of jobs to the Capital and Central areas in recent months.

Central was where Bridges was headquartered.

He must have been caught up in the voidout that wiped out Central Knot City, and now that the original second expedition had been destroyed, it had been reformed into the one-man expedition that was Sam Porter Bridges.

Every soul in Central Knot City, including HQ.

After finding out that Sam was near Central Knot City, it was him who had formulated the plan to leave a dead body within it and cause a voidout.

Three years after Bridges I departed, Bridges II had also left Central Knot City in the east and were heading west, equipped with a Q-pid.

Everybody in Central Brooklyn knew Farad’s wheels when they saw them, and only a fool with a death wish would have laid a finger on the paint.

“They got him down at Central Booking,” Wiley said.

When he remembered the ruins of the satellite city that Lucy and countless others had been snatched away from, he had the same feeling that he had when he thought back to Central Knot City, and how he couldn’t save them either, despite taking Igor’s BB.

Something about the sudden death of a young woman in a small town on the outskirts of Central Knot.

Capital Knot City may be close to Central Knot City, but we never expected something that intense.